Monday, November 25, 2013

A 16 Year Old Girl

What would you like to hear from a sixteen year old girl? Would you like to hear about her boy problems? Would you like to hear about her clothing styling? Would you like to hear about her social life and dramas in her life?

These are just some things we think of when we hear the word "sixteen year old girl". Girls at that age are defining their self; they are searching for a deeper understanding as to who they are. They are exploring the world; they are piecing together what real life is like, what their future might be. A girl at the age of sixteen is on the edge of deciding her fate, her destiny: she can go far and beyond and reach for the blazing star high above the sky, she can continue being the way she is, the way she has always been, she can take a misstep and start off life at the wrong foot.

Sixteen is a significant number, a special one. Maybe it does have something to do with allowing her to drive legally for the first time and giving her the freedom to go where she chooses. That driver ID, will be her identity for the next decades to come. After all, this is what identification cards are for-acknowledging one's existence, and one's identity. But that ID card is just a piece of plastic. It doesn't do justice to the person who is being identified. There is so much more in that girl than that. Getting her ID is just the first step in finding her identity, her self.

Through the freedom given to her, not only in driving, but in life, comes more choices to be made and more responsibility to carry on as a consequences. "You want to do what you like? Fine, but you gotta be responsible for whatever happens to you." Sixteen is a transition number. She has been sheltered for long, it's time for her to test out the air and expand her wings.

There are certain things one can't escape, even if one wishes to. She might not like make-up, but putting them on will make her look more professional. She might hate heels, but wearing them is the only way to hide the ugliness of her feet and make herself presentable. She might never thought she would loose her best friend in high school, but she did just like in the movies. She might never ever wanted to be in the middle of conflict between two friends because she has heard all the ugliness to that in books, but life plays a little trick and she is it. She might never wanted to be that mean girl who bossed everyone around, but she is just doing her job and what she thought is right. She might never thought she would fall in love because those are stuff from fairy tales and because the betrayals shown on TV break her heart, but fate smiled upon her path and she met a boy.

She didn't wish for any of this, but as life has it, this is her life. No one wants to be a stereotype, but unconsciously and out of will, one falls into the pithole. There are certain things we must all experience in life in order to understand other human beings. Being a sixteen year old girl is just the beginning of the great journey of defining one's self. Don't judge, your time will come when you will understand.