Friday, May 24, 2013


If I had only done something different, if I had only taken the chance, if I had only...This sounds all too familiar? 

They plagued my mind and stopped me from following my dreams, especially when I was afraid of failing. I use them to defend myself when I failed to pursue what I want to do. Excuses caused me to look back and regretted why I didn't take the chance when I could. Excuses will prevent me from living a fulfilling life. 

Our will is stronger than our fear. People who makes a difference in the world often said nothing is impossible if you believe and try. 
I often believe in the wildest dreams, but never try it out because afraid of what other people thinks and what will happen if I fail. And you know what, the sad part is, I will fail anyway if I don't try! I just don't need to suffer the immediate humiliation by peers, but will know the full pain of regret later in life. So what do I have to lose? Nothing!! I will fail and die either way in the end, and I have a higher chance of succeeding if I did try whatever I planned. 

Whenever an excuse forms in my mind and begins to infect the rest of my brain to ruin my future, I will remember I would fail anyway if I don't try and I would still need to face death either way. 

No more excuses, no more regrets.
Start believing, start thinking what we can do.

What if...

What if starting today, I will make a difference?

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