Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Month, New Goals!


Well, well, well...A month of summer already quickly passed by, not much have been done on my part. I have Girls Who Code summer program Monday to Friday and a U. S. history seminar on Vietnam War on every Saturday morning for 2 hours. I have homework from the history seminar and for school. They will take up some time to get it finish. I need to really prepare for the SAT that's coming up this year cause that will be my ticket to my dream college. And don't forget to keep my cholesterol level at bay!

So tomorrow will be a new day, a new week, and a new month!!
What will tomorrow be?

Here's my plan and I am posting here online to let the world be my witness and my encouragement.

Daily schedule to follow:
6:30-wake up early to welcome the sunshine~
6:40-work out. time to burn off the buffet I eat everyday!!
7:30-shower. time to wash off those sweats
7:50-breakfast. time to start off the day~
        squeeze in a vocabulary lesson~
8:00-leave house, on the highway. listen to some music & vocab, enjoy~
8:45-arrive at UCDavis. check email. get ready for the day
12:00-lunch. eating at the dining hall~~
5:00-get pick up. nap time~
6:00-get home. eat
8:00-homework, entertainment time~~

Things need to be done daily:
-read 30 minutes
-study 45 minutes for each vocab lesson! at least 10 words each day!
-review previous vocab lessons
-work out 30 minutes!
-limit lunch size!
-limit computer/tv time when at home to 30 minutes.
-summarize what I learn
-chat and laugh with other human beings in person!

So, this is my plan that I need to stick with for the next 60 days! This will be a good time to test my persistence and determination! I will report weekly of my progress, so I got pressure to do my best!
World be my witness, be my support!!!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Problems can't be avoided

I am fat, lazy, and have no motivation to thrive.

Sound like the summer you? Unfortunately, that's me over very summer.

I sit all day and works like 10 minutes a day and believe in the miracle that i will get skinny tomorrow. Stop lying to yourself girl!! Get on to your exercise and stop sitting on your butt all day long!!

I know it's summer but it doesn't mean I should just glue myself with the computer screen, hoping for someone to talk to, something to kill time while waiting for people to be available online. Find something purposeful! Do your summer homework!!

No motivation? Find some! Summer is all about free time and what you can do with them. Start on the project you always dreamed to during the school year. Begin on the SAT studying that you will cry in October if you didn't. Above all, explore and follow your passion!! Next time, you have nothing to do? Go finish reading the book you never finished. Stop watching meaningless drama online and on TV. Bake something and spend sometime with family!

Summer is such a unique period. Every year I usually wasted my summer and when school started, I can't think of why I did nothing meaningful over the summer. This year, I am determined to follow through my new year's resolution-to try something new in every aspect of life. I will not procrastinate my summer homework nor push away horrible vocabulary studying. I will not waste my whole summer vacation on TV, I am going to use this summer to follow my dreams and get fit for once! 

Study Hard,
Get Fit,
Be Happy,
Dream Big~

Ultimately, I am striving for a new fresh better self!